Uphill Struggle

Opendoor Project - ExmouthAt Camp this year we organised a special offering as a gift to the Kingsway Church to support the OpenDoor project which has been set-up in Exmouth. During the service on Sunday we heard about a young guy, Dan, who was intending to cycle from Land’s End to John O’Groats to raise money for the project.  It was set-up to make a positive difference to the local community by providing services which meet the pratical needs of vulnerable people.  More details are available on the website and in their latest newsletter.

Anyway, I’ve just received the following email from David Ley the OpenDoor project manager:

Hi, Ricky

I thought you might like to know that the guys reached John O’Groats on Monday this week at about 2pm. They were exhausted but thrilled to have made it. We haven’t met them yet to chat about their experiences, but I’ll hope to catch up with them soon.

Please say a big thank you to everyone on the camp team who contributed. Your encouragement to them was a great boost to their determination to reach the finish.

See you when you’re next in Exmouth, maybe.

Very many thanks again,


So thank you to everyone who contributed.  Please continue to pray for both the Kingsway Church and the exciting OpenDoor project.